
Monday, October 14, 2013

DIY: To Do Board

I need to have a to do list in order to function from day to day. I also need to be reminded that I have a list of things to do. I made this super simple to do board and it helps me keep track of my life and it's also cute. I used a large frame just because it's the same size as scrapbook paper, but any size frame would work. You can make this for your grocery list, calendar, or menu for the week. It's totally up to you! Also, if you can't find the color frame you want in 12 x 12 (it took me a while and I found it at Hobby Lobby) just spray paint one. 

What you need:
  1. 12 x 12 frame (any size would work)
  2. Pretty scrapbook paper
  3. Black letters or a Sharpie
  4. A dry erase marker

Use either black letters or a Sharpie to add the title to your scrapbook paper. Put the paper in the frame. Use a dry erase marker to write on the glass. Easy.

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